Class of 1976

Reunion Information


From Dick Ashjian:

The Class of 76 would like to extend an invite to members of the Class of 75 who would like to join us. Please see the details below. Thank you. 

Hi, Fellow Warriors! I'm reposting information about the upcoming reunion. Time is of the essence as we are fast approaching our deadline. Please send in your payment by March 6, 2023. Thanks and hope to see you there!

On behalf of the Class of 76 Reunion Committee, if you're planning to attend the April 22, 2023 reunion, it's important to act by March 6th. Our agreement with Simonian Farms requires certain minimums and deadlines to be met. If we don't meet those minimums, we would regrettably have to cancel the event.

The $70/person cost includes a combo chicken & tri-tip dinner, and of course, the opportunity to see old friends and rekindle relationships. I hope you'll take this opportunity to join us.

Send your checks to:

FHS Reunion 76

c/o 648 W Heritage Ave

Clovis CA. 93619